What You Need to Know About Bell’s Palsy

If you or a loved one suffers from a facial weakness or paralysis, this may be because of Bell’s palsy. This condition results for a damage to the nerve in the face that controls muscles. Due to the damage, one side of the face begins to droop. In some cases, the nerve damage affects the patient’s way of producing saliva and tears as well as his or her sense of taste. What is alarming about Bell’s palsy is that it can happen without warning – often acting quickly and overnight. However, it is typical for the paralysis to get better without treatment in just a few weeks.

Causes of Bell’s Palsy

There is no clear reason why people suddenly develop Bell’s palsy, but many cases are considered to be caused by the herpes virus, which is also the cause behind cold sores. As mentioned, there is a nerve that is damaged, which is why Bell’s palsy occurs. Often, this damage is a result of inflammation. Doctors have to examine the patient first to rule out other diseases and health problems. If the weakness or paralysis is not caused by other conditions, Bell’s palsy may be the reason.

Bell’s palsy is a result of a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or a stroke. These two also cause facial paralysis, but they are not linked to Bell’s palsy. If sudden weakness on one side of the face occurs, the person should be immediately rushed to the doctor to determine if there is a more serious cause.

How to Know If It Is Bell’s Palsy

It may be Bell’s palsy if the following symptoms are present:

  • The main symptom is when you have sudden paralysis or weakness on either your left or right side of the face, causing it to droop.
  • When your face droops, it is often difficult to close the eye on that side of the face.
  • You are drooling.
  • There are eye problems, including a dry eye or sometimes, excessive tearing.
  • You have suddenly lost your ability to taste.
  • Your ear becomes painful. Sometimes, the pain is behind the ear.
  • The affected side of the face becomes numb.
  • You are suddenly sensitive to sound.

Diagnosis and Treatment

When you talk to your doctor, he or she will ask you a series of questions, including the symptoms. The doctor may also physically and neurologically examine you to determine whether it is indeed facial nerve damage. If the problem is still unclear, other tests may be conducted, including blood test, CT scan, and an MRI.

Most of the patients who have Bell’s palsy eventually recover, even without treatment. Sometimes, full recovery is achieved within one to two months. This is possible if the person who has Bell’s palsy can still move the muscles in the face. A small number of patients, though, have permanent weakness on the affected side of the face, despite the recovery.

Bell’s palsy is a medical emergency. Seek the help of a doctor as soon as you suspect that you or your loved one has acquired this condition.

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