Halitosis and How to Get Rid of It

Halitosis is the medical term for bad breath. It is characterized by an awful smell emanating from a person’s mouth. While this condition is far from life threatening, halitosis can gravely affect a person’s quality of life. It is important to get rid of bad breath right before someone else starts smelling something oddly rotten.

Brush and Floss

Bad breath often results from an individual’s failure to keep his or her teeth pearly white and spic-and-span. Brushing and flossing both help in getting rid of the food debris that gets stuck in between teeth. It is important to brush the teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once every day, or every after meal. While rinsing with mouthwash can provide fresh breath, its effect could only last for a short period. Regular brushing and flossing can provide long-term and concrete solutions to bad breath woes.

Remember the Tongue

Bacteria do not only thrive in between teeth and on the gum line. They are also abundant on the tongue. The rough surface on top of the tongue can house multitudes of dead cells, bacteria causing bad breath, and even microscopic food debris. Be sure to brush the tongue after brushing the teeth and gums. For an even cleaner tongue, it is best to use a tongue cleaner.

Consider the Dentures

For people wearing dentures, it is also important to clean them regularly. Avoid wearing dentures during sleep to give the mouth a chance to rest.

Stay Hydrated

When a person lacks body fluids, specifically water, the production of saliva gets affected. Saliva keeps the mouth clean and fresh since it washes away bacteria and other particles that can cause bad breath. When the mouth is dry, bad breath ensues. To avoid having a dry mouth whatever time of the day it is, always drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.

Avoid the Culprits

To get rid of bad breath, you must also be well aware of the many things that can cause it. There are several reasons that can lead to this condition, including poor dental hygiene, eating certain kinds of food, cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking, and underlying diseases. Even going on a diet can cause bad breath. Avoiding activities and things that can cause bad breath is a great way to maintain fresh breath.

Eat Healthy

Vegetables and fruits do not only nourish the body with important vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy and strong. Many kinds of fruits and vegetables also help provide fresh breath. Fruits rich in ascorbic acid, more commonly referred to as vitamin C, kill bacteria in the mouth that cause bad breath. Citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons are rich in vitamin C. Raw crunchy fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber also contribute to fresh breath by getting rid of food debris stuck in the mouth and stimulating saliva production.

Visit the Dentist

Tartar buildup may persist despite all the efforts to clean the mouth and keep the breath fresh. As such, both adults and children must undergo professional cleaning by a dentist at least twice a year.

Halitosis may not affect the overall health adversely but it can surely ruin names and reputations. It can also reduce one’s confidence. For a better disposition in life, get rid of halitosis or bad breath as soon as symptoms become visible.

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