Foods That May Cause Body Odor

Body odor is a common problem among many people. The nature of one’s work, the wrong perfume, and genes are among the many suspects for this smelly dilemma. What is surprising is that even the foods a person eats could be the reason for body odor. Get to know the foods that may cause body odor.

Spicy Food

A kind of food truly notorious for perpetrating body odor is spicy dishes. Spicy food can increase the level of sulfur in the body, and the excess are eliminated through the skin’s pores and through the breath. Avoid having too much garlic and onion. If you cannot help eating garlic and onion, drink milk after you finish your meal.

Sulfur-Rich Food

Aside from spicy ones, a certain genus of vegetables which includes cabbages, broccoli, and cauliflower are rich in sulfur.


Going vegan can have odor-fighting benefits. Meat, especially red meat, is difficult to digest. The body will need to exert maximum effort in the digestion process, and having too much meat results to perspiration, which can cause body odor.

Alcoholic Drinks

When alcohol is digested, most of its parts get transformed into acetic acid while being processed in the liver. However, the rest of the alcohol is expelled from the body through perspiration and respiration. Excessive alcohol drinking can lead not only to pungent breath but also to foul-smelling sweat.


Asparagus does not only make the urine smell rotten. Eating asparagus can also lead to body odor. However, it has been discovered that a person’s ability to perceive odor and a person’s ability to produce odor are entirely exclusive. This means that the person who eats asparagus can smell his or her rotten odor, but the people around him or her cannot.

Junk Food

Binging on junk food matched with little to no physical activity can cause body odor. The main reason for body odor is the over accumulation of fatty cells in the body. Junk foods, which take longer to digest than healthy food choices, contribute to the buildup of fatty cells causing body odor.


After eating a serving of fish, there are people who have the tendency to produce choline in their sweat, which can possibly result to bad odor.

Low-carb Foods

Carbohydrates help in the digestion process. When a person does not eat high-carb meals, digestion will take longer which will result to overabundance of protein in the body and excessive sweating. Also, too much protein in the body can lead to the production of ketones which cause body odor.

Dairy Products

Dairy products are rich in protein, and high protein levels in the body can lead to body odor. Too much consumption of dairy products also triggers the release of hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan in the body. The release of those substances results to body odor.

Having too much of a certain kind of food can lead to body odor. The main step in preventing body odor due to food intake is to always have a healthy and balanced diet.

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